Wednesday, March 30, 2011 staffer goes rogue!

… well, kind of.

First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Patrick Mayock, and I’m the features editor at, the Web’s definitive providers of news and research for the global hotel industry.

You already might have encountered my blog postings, articles and other editorial content on the mothership. If you have – huzzah! If not – you’re missing out. (We’ve got some really great info over there, so please check it out.)

You might be asking yourself, ‘Why has this guy jumped ship to start his own blog?’ A word of clarification: I’m still happily employed at I’m not using this blog to poach readers or cannibalize our existing audience base. This is simply an experiment in inbound marketing within the wild and wonderful Web.

So during the course of the next several weeks, this blog will host much of the same information that I’m continuously uploading to—plus some new surprises. (No hints.) I encourage you to check both sites, dive on in and interact to your heart’s content.

It’s going to be a fun ride.
